Slimming - overview of slimming products: slimming pills, microcrystalline Cellulose, slimming tea, Thai pills, fruit extracts, "Super System six", slimming-reviews.
It seems that it is easier – in the pharmacy-this is what the choice of the means to lose weight. Tablets, teas, Sprays, appetite suppressants, fat burners. Swallowed and there are no wrinkles on the waist! Are all the output of these methods the money? Let us understand!
Slimming pills

In the pharmacy you dozens of Tools for weight loss, but only a few really help deal with the Problem, and then only under the condition that the person limits in food, actively move. If you sit at a Computer all day, and at night not to move away from the fridge, even the best preparation will be powerless!
Drugs reduce the appetite
This means that the appetite in the Form of Sprays, tablets and aromatic compositions, which you inhale. Check before buying stock. In the notes of caffeine? You are looking for safer means. The small Spray dose can contain, as in 300 cups of coffee! After its application, the heart beating, the press is abuzz, the hands are shaking, and, in addition, insomnia is plaguing...
On the box of slimming is no mention of caffeine? Are listed vitamins ( ascorbic acid ), chemical compounds ( sodium benzoate ), herbs ( buds and leaves of birch, burdock root ) and essential plants, cleaning wish? This drug can't hurt ( except that it is an Allergy to one of the components, but it is not fatal ). Whether it helps is another question. Depends on how strong your appetite, how much you eat, enough move.
The decision will be taken on the feeling of hunger aromatherapy, carefully select an essential oil. In the number of plants from which the desired flavors - anise, orange, Basil, bergamot, Valerian, vervain, clove, geranium, Grapefruit, marjoram, fir, Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang, ginger, hyssop, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, incense, Leuzea, lemon, marjoram, Mandarin, Melissa, Myrtle, juniper, nutmeg, mint, Neroli, Patchouli, chamomile, rosemary, Rose, and the Rose and tea tree, sandalwood, pine, thyme, sage, Fennel and eucalyptus.
Note: real essential oils are expensive ( 30 to 50.E. for a bottle ). It is clear to need to squeeze precious drops, you can recycle the mountains of raw materials. Cheap oil, in the best case, the result of the breeding of the Corporate fragrance of conventional vegetable oil. In the worst case – a synthetic analogue of the natural essential smell, not with its healing properties.
Spot a fake is easy: drops of essential oil on the paper and wait for the condensation to evaporate. A high quality product leaves no greasy spots.
Pros. If the cause of your completeness in overeating to help, drug help trim the food without any special efforts on your side. When you start to follow the diet, disruption of operations very sad, and that you were not there, you can restrain the appetite, for such an aid to slimming.
Cons. Such funds are not used to eat properly, after the repeal of the appetite.
The price of 15.E. for a bottle of essential oil, Spray 2-3 times more expensive.
Microcrystalline Cellulose ( MCC )
If you believe the advertising, liberated from the excessive Kilos and slag and End-products of metabolism. You get from a specially treated cotton. The composition and properties of cellulose micro close to the tissue of vegetables and fruit. The principle of operation is as cleans as follows: in the stomach swelled, it is the Illusion of saturation creates, is not digested and acts as a scrub brush for the intestines: the digestive tract, mechanically.
The novelty of recent years – tablets MKTS, enriched with minerals and vitamins. You give the Bio-addition of additional features – a restorative and Tonic.
Pros. Normalizes digestion and allows little food to get along.
Cons. To lose weight on a MKTS quite difficult. It not wanted, not 3-4 tablets, and everything in the bottle, and that is quite an overdose!
Price - the lowest of all the slimming products of this class, because of what is actually the demand of the customers.
Tea for weight loss

Nothing is used as a laxative and diuretic herbs ( such as hay, Cranberry leaf ), not in this case. Some varieties are not only for weight reduction but also for the cleaning in your inventory the dry powder, beetroot concentrate, activated carbon. Such a tea drinking can be a serious challenge, since the ends by the case.
To bring the decision to the end of the month of course, maybe lose a few pounds, and exhausted and tormented, as to the Ruhr.
Pros. Products from reputable manufacturers with well-chosen combination of herbs act gently, is really the appetite to reduce and normalize the work of the intestine.
Cons. Inferior fakes ( and very much ) cause diarrhea and dehydrate the body. If, in urgent cases, freeing the intestines of most of its contents, and bring the liquid from the fabric, you can lose per day 3-5 kg. But day supplies-other, and put everything in order, even with excess: the digestive system full of food, the body with moisture. The kidneys and the intestines, accustomed to the Stimulation from the outside, start to be lazy, and you will swell and the contaminate, and reseeding on laxatives and diuretics.
The price is quite affordable – from 5-10.E. for a pack of.
Thai Pills
In civilized countries, and not registered were banned on the Russian market, but sometimes still caught in the capital's shops, sales of Oriental products for the maintenance of the Form.
As in 1990, Thai pills have acted on the review of the Test Center Food products at the Institute of nutrition Rams, it turned out that they contain elements which are not of plant origin and chemical components.
Herbal elements is not caused complaints, is an herb traditionally recommended for weight reduction. And the chemical components of the expert alerts. Phentermine think psychotropic agents, comparable with drugs. Use prohibited in food additives!
Pros. They are simply not present. Weight reduction in this case, not as a blessing. Addicts do not suffer from his abundance, but they will not start to take drugs in order to lose weight!
Cons. U.S. doctors have found the third, the Thai pills, affects the heart valves. According to Russian doctors, the pills to sleep worse, hair falls out, nails Peeling, exfoliates the skin, as in the case of a severe vitamin deficiency.
Price- not the speech: the good gift, you don't need!
Fruit extracts
In the instructions to the means for weight loss in this group often written something incomprehensible like "capsule, so many calories consumed, how much the 15 ( ! ) kg of fresh fruits". The truth is, the explanation of how this happens is nebulous: "fruit acids such as bind would calories come up with the food". As if calories there are in the pure Form and they can block you, like fat from food, and from the organism to excrete!
On the part of the reception there are also discrepancies. On the packaging is to be taken: before meals, in the notes ( see "application" ): during a meal, and a little above in the section "action" of the buyer's reports: "If, before the lunch and dinner, you take one of these capsules..."
Pros. Supplies the body with amino acids ( lysine, phenylalanine ), vitamins ( B6, PP, C ), macro - and micro-nutrients ( iron, Magnesium, silicon ), and fruit acids, which activate the metabolism.
Cons. Has no influence on the weight, but only as a tonic biologically active additive to food to lose weight.
Price - from 20.E. per pack ( enough for 10 days ).
Fat burner
Nothing, of course, not to burn, to tolerate, although in a certain extent, activate the metabolism and help to better physical activity. These resources are especially for those who leads an active lifestyle. Take at least herbal enzyme Bromelain from pineapple and Papaya. During the aerobic training, if the increased pulse rate and respiration, Bromelain acts as a catalyst of lipid metabolism.
But to not lose if you make friends with Fitness, weight pineapple extract, it makes no sense – as an independent means to lose weight, it is not suitable. But the ladies will appreciate this organic dietary Supplement for more. Bromelain reduces levels of cholesterol in the blood and facilitates the working of the heart, improves the well-being on the eve of the critical days.

Pros. The active Fitness classes fat burners help you to lose weight.
Cons. Don't expect to lose weight on you, if you have a sedentary way of life result: only the money throw to the wind!
The price of 20.E. for the packing.
Super System six
Contains a lot of useful connections: 72 minerals and 12 vitamins, the normalization of metabolism.
Chromium picolinate makes the muscle mass and reduces cravings for sweets. Ginger, Chili pepper, extracts of Kola nut and green tea promote the consumption of energy, help to burn calories.
Pros. The drug was prominent. But remember: if Super System has helped the valley in the reeds, this does not mean that the same metamorphoses. No miraclecure for weight loss freed from the need to work.
Cons. Without Fitness and nutrition has only tonic effect.
The price of 30-40.E. for the packing.