The role of proper nutrition for the purpose of weight reduction almost everyone knows. But not everyone understands what exactly is a healthy diet. Some rates give up meat consumption and switching to plant-based diets, and other lose weight active on the buckwheat with Kefir. Where to look for the truth, is not clear. It is figuring out what is the right diet for weight loss and throw the extra pounds to lose, your health.
The basics of proper nutrition

In the center of a healthy diet, cessation from the lens of Junk Food is in the first place. What is bad to eat? Many in this category are carbohydrates, others claim that the cause of obesity-containing foods, is in the use of fat, there are supporters of the Version about the dangers of proteins.
In fact, the principle of proper nutrition – balanced diet. On the table there were the proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be in a certain ratio. And bad food, which is necessary, should at the present time, the following foods and dishes include:
- Foods rich in chemical ingredients and flavor enhancers and flavor (Chips, Nachos, Chips, nuts, Popcorn);
- Dry semi-finished products (mashed potatoes in cans, the food, the quick preparation, concentrated, dry soups);
- Sweets and pastries, storage time is calculated for months or years;
- Sausage production-to cook (meat, fish), all fried dishes, sausages;
- Competent and sauces.
Most of these products damages the internal organs of the people, not to mention the fact that these substances are deposited on the flanks and the thighs. The rest of the nature, you can eat products. Even potatoes with bacon and bread on the table to be present, but certainly not the basis of the diet.
Compliance with proper diet for losing weight please note the following principles:
- Reducing calorie intake. Obesity occurs when the body takes more calories than he can consume. Surpluses are deposited in Reserve in the Form of fat. In order to effectively lose weight, should be preferably low-calorie diet, no other way there is.
- The conservation of the usual amount of food. The main error of the people in reducing the weight reduction of the servings. The reduction of the calorie content should not be, because the usual amount of the body for normal function. The large volume of low calorie foods can be filled.
- Compliance with the water budget. It is a prerequisite for any healthy diet. Water plays an important role in the life of the organism, the cleaning promotes the excretion of slags and toxins, so that you can quickly and effectively lose weight.
Diet for losing weight
The observance of the proper nutrition – the basis of knowledgeable weight loss. To observe it easier for calories to prevent diet and relapse, you should not wait until the strong attacks of Hunger. Smaller meals help.
Meals in small amounts 5-6 times a day to satiety, small portions can save more efficiently digested. The breaks between meals should not be 2-2 more than 5 hours, which is enough for a full digestion of food and the use of the received energy by the body.
Hunger strikes are strictly prohibited. There are systems therapeutic fasting, but you may only to appointments of the doctor, and be strictly under the supervision of a specialist. To damage, independent of fasting at home.
Nutritionists advise the separation adhere to the diet, in the different composition of the products to be separated from each other. This is necessary so that the bowel had the opportunity to digest it as efficiently as possible and fast.
It is worth noting that rapid weight loss can trigger health problems, therefore, it is better to stick to follow the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss, but not your objective, at any price.
During the active burning of fat in the blood, the burned fat tissue toxins. It is important to lose weight gradually, in order toxins out of the body through the excretory organs.
For a worthy result, we recommend to combine proper nutrition with physical activity. You simply enter the mandatory morning exercise in your schedule, more time to go out in the fresh air, on foot.
The most important meal – Breakfast, dinner – the easiest

Another important postulate of the proper nutrition – the Breakfast is obligatory. Morning meal, in any case, you should not miss. It does not matter, what are the goals of the person – lose weight or just improve their health followed.
Many people have the need to feed in the morning, place your first meal for a couple of hours. This often happens for the reason that on the eve of the man went sealing in the later period.
It is important to understand that the body needs after waking up energy and nutrients. After a night of just Breakfast starts the metabolism and recharge the body with energy for the whole day.
If in the morning it does not want, should a light Breakfast, but at the same time nutritious. It is important to pay attention not to the amount of food, but on their quality. The best dishes on the tomorrow will be different porridges with fruit or berries, vegetables, salads, boiled eggs or cottage cheese.
Lunch, usually in the afternoon and in the evening, the person close to the Hotels. Such a break in the food is not possible. Not to help on the dinner transfer, the right Snacks. For the resulting Hunger can drink a glass of water or eat fruit.
The dinner should be the lightest, the diet is likely to be without calories. For quick weight loss between dinner and the next Breakfast for more than 10 hours, recommendations, must not bear, after 18 clock to the lowering of the weight. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours prior to bedtime.
Menu evening meal of light vegetable salads as a side dish and lean meat, may include dairy products are rich mixtures of protein, eggs. These dishes are quick to leave the stomach, and the man can easily go to sleep.
After dinner, require simple physical stress, you can go for a walk or do house work. Before you go to sleep, your possible Hunger Kefir should I drink or eat yogurt Bullseye.
A Healthy Diet
Diet food includes the observance of certain rules in the selection of products and dishes. For the preservation of the figure and health you need to healthy food tips:
- 30 percent of the human diet should products containing starch. It is potatoes, bread, pasta, cereals. This grain varieties of products in the composition of the fiber is preferably in one piece. Feel it in the sense of satiety, allows you longer promotes the cleaning of the intestine, the restoration of his work. Whole-grain products in the composition have more vitamins and nutrients.
- Vegetables and fruit make up 40 percent of the diet. You can mute eat all the vegetables in fresh Form, cook, cooking, bake, cook,. It is only worthwhile pieces – peas and corn. Fruit allowed, but eaten they must be individually separated from each other. In the diet of the sweet fruits, you should make it up to 14 hours.
- Reduce the consumption of salt. Heavily salted food delayed due to excess water in the body, which can renal lead to problems with the blood system, heart,. It should be remembered that the purchased products and spices contain large quantities of salt, about 2/3 of the daily amount of just come with the prepared meal. Possible, you should reduce the amount of salt when cooking.
- In the menu, a fish that is accessible to a source of Protein, vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. Oily fish must be present in the diet at least twice a week. The meat should be lean, cook it mainly on a few, stew with vegetables or baking.
Tip! The day you have five various fruit and vegetables should drink at least. You should not think that it is complicated. For example, for Breakfast you eat a banana, a snack before lunch – a salad of cucumber and tomato. The afternoon meal – the salad of the moor, and in the night hit allowed.
You.questions: review article how many calories are in bananas, what vitamins it contains, and of what diseases, protects the body
On hot summer days in the diet as far as possible, fresh vegetables should. This will be parried in the season, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, reduce the time for cooking. In the heat of the body is difficult, with severe food.
Candy – is it possible or not?

Being overweight often contributes to the use of sugar. It is in large quantities in confectionery, sweet Breakfast ready to drink alcoholic beverages. Suitable ready-made sweets to replace natural natural products – honey, fruit, dried fruit, berries and vegetables.
To abstain from sugar is not difficult, not only to use some of the time, when cooking. Exclude from the diet of sweets gradually. To realize if this is difficult, you should replace at least the white refined sugar to brown. Can you chocolate, sometimes dark.
Strictly sugar substitute forbidden by artificial substitutes – aspartame and others. They are very harmful to the body, these synthetic substances are used in many confectionery products.
How to choose the optimal amount of servings?
Compliance with proper diet for weight loss you observe the extent of the portions. On a recording, the following number of eating is enough:
- Various porridge – not more than a fist;
- Bread whole Grain – 2 piece per day;
- Dairy products (milk, yogurt, Kefir, rjaschenka) – 1 glass;
- Cottage Cheese Nature 200 G;
- Vegetable and fruit portion of a cylinder capacity of not more than two handprints;
- Meat, fish size of a piece of not the palm of the hand of the people.
The balance of the food
The basics of right nutrition important principle – compliance with the Balance of essential nutrients – proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Because the body will from food, not only energy, but also important substances for the normal functioning of all organs.
The products have different nutritional value, and reducing the number and amount of food possible lack of important elements. A balanced diet avoids such consequences, such as increased fatigue, decreased alertness and performance deterioration of the skin, nails, hair.
Fully, the Protein should be continuous, because it is the most important building material for muscle tissue. It is particularly important to have a sufficient amount of Protein was in the time of physical activity. In the diet should include lean meat including Turkey and chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products.
It is important to eat carbs, lose weight is, this is the second mandatory component of the diet with the right diet. Preferably slow carbs, which are absorbed for a long time by the body, causing the energy.
Sources of complex carbohydrates are cereals, unpolished rice, most types of cereals, durum wheat pasta, unadulterated whole-grain bread, organic bread, roasted potatoes. It is recommended for Breakfast and lunch.
An important part of proper nutrition – fats. The need for fat, enough in the daily menu included meat, fish, nuts, vegetable oils, dark chocolate, cheese, and even fat. It is proved that the use of fat to burning fat, saturated lipids, you in the problem zones.
But Fats Are Fats Discord. If you about the dangers of fat, it is not useful Trans-fats, the worth from the consumption of it really. Include the harmful sources of Trans-fatty acids:
- Flour products;
- Fried foods (especially fast food – fast Food);
- Solid Fats (A Type Of Margarine);
- Finished Semi-Finished Products (Cream, Pancake Mixes).
Recipes for proper nutrition
The menu for the week, write you can use the following available recipes the right diet.
Cabbage soup
- 0,5 COB cabbage;
- 2 add the onions and carrots;
- 1 sweet red pepper;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 3 litres of light vegetable broth, chicken broth or water;
- Salt and herbs.
All the vegetables are chopped and folded into a saucepan, cover with broth or water and bring to a boil. The willingness of vegetables is due to the willingness of the carrots. Before turning off the power for 5-7 minutes, salt added to taste and the Bay leaf. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with herbs. You can add sour cream add a spoon.
Pay attention to the recipe of barley in multicookings. To recommend very much!
Fish in aspic
To 1 kg of a red fish:
- 1 onion;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 Bulgarian Pepper;
- Spices (Celery, Parsley, Agar-Agar);
- The juice of the lemon.
Within three hours of cooking the tail and the head fin, gradually decreasing foam. After an hour of cooking time, vegetables, roots and crushed. A half-hour pieces of fish, leave it out. Cook everything take out half an hour and the meat with the roots.
The fish carefully disassemble the piece-by-piece, folded in a bowl for an aspic. Decorate with vegetables and herbs, slices of lemon. Fish broth, strain several times through cheesecloth and pour the prepared fish. For the night, leave in a cool place.
The importance of water

For the human organism, water is essential for life. Compliance with the drinking mode – one of the principles of proper nutrition. Through the use of a sufficient quantity of clean water, it means a lot and often. But not all know that the amount of water you drink per day, you can calculate yourself.
Limitations and tips, a drink a day 2-2,5 liters of water, is not justified. The average result in order to understand water needs for a specific Person, you should multiply the body weight in kilograms by 30 ml, there was a lot of Liter and needed the day to drink.